
By antipodia


One of the nice things about having a house by the beach is that friends want to come and stay and then feel the need to take me out for dinner. Who am I to deny them. But, I'd have most of them to stay just for the love of them. Maybe this is the Affogato and a couple of wines talking but... nah... life is good and I treasure my friends. One friend left with houseguest Endota the black labrador and another arrived in time for lunch. Got shouted to tea (wood oven pizza... the best!!) last night at the Beach House Cafe (in the picture) and tonight for a fish dinner at Pa's Fish Cafe next door. We had Affogato for desert at the Beach House Cafe (scene of last nights dinner). Yumm!!!!

For those who have been following my car scenario. Someone found my keys and left a message at Yilki Deli where we (the first house guest & I had breakfast this morning). Phoned him from the Deli and he dropped by with them 20 minutes later. He'd found them at the high water mark on the beach and they'd obviously been under water for some time. One of the nice things about living in a rural community! Put the word around and people come to the rescue.

Phoned the car repair people a bit later and the chap there had disabled the engine immobiliser and car alarm because he'd gotten sick of pushing the car around the workshop to make way for other cars. Given the rough quote of fixing it's other intermittent "running on three cylinders" problem at an exhorbitant $2000 to $3000 mark I said I come get it. It drove home like a dream and now I can use the key to get in and it doesn't yell at me. They didn't charge me anything. Maybe my luck is improving. Also found two second hand tyres to replace the bald ones for $25 each. Now looking for a second hand motor.

Cheers from a warm and fuzzy feeling antipodia.

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