I haven’t complained that Mr. HCB has been watching a lot of football on the television, because I know he enjoys it, and he and our older son often message each other on WhatsApp about the game, but I think he feels a bit guilty, so he did say last week that we could go out somewhere for the day.  Little did I know that he meant he would take me round to the back of the fence to clear all the weeds and litter that accumulates there! 

However, just as we had got “suited and booted” it started to rain, so Mr. HCB ended up going round to the greenhouse and I am “playing” with another abstract using the iColorama and Snapseed apps and this was the result.  It was just the bottom of a glass vase with a pretty scarf wrapped around it, and after a little fartnarkle, it ended up like this.  I think it might even pass muster for the Abstract Thursday challenge as the theme is "colourful" - and although this is only shades of blue, it is quite colourful.  Actually, I was quite sad about the rain, because I was looking forward to going out, but I’m sure once it has eased off, we will be out there.

This is Number 70 in my 100 Abstracts Challenge, which I am doing to raise awareness of the Mamie Martin Fund, which helps girls in North Malawi to get a good secondary school education before going on to further education.  Many of the girls who have been the recipients of financial help from the Fund have said how much they have appreciated it and that they would not have been able to do so much without that help.

"Salt and Light" tells the story of Jack and Mamie Martin’s life in Malawi (then Nyasaland) in the 1920s through their own words and was compiled from letters and diaries by their daughter, Margaret Sinclair in 2003. It provides valuable historical background to the work of the Mamie Martin Fund. 

Extracts from Salt and Light have been selected and recorded by Mamie’s granddaughter, Mariot Dallas.  If you want to hear the various recordings, and they are very interesting, you can listen here.  This year, 2021, it is 100 years since Mamie and Jack got married and started their new life in Malawi .  

We feel privileged to be able to support the Fund set up in Mamie’s name, not only by a regular donation, but also by being sponsored to do 100 Abstracts and I really do appreciate everyone who has sponsored me so far.

“Let gratitude be the pillow 
     upon which you kneel 
          to say your nightly prayer, 
and let faith be the bridge you build 
     to overcome evil and welcome good.”
Maya Angelou


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