
'Calm.  Now get into your zone. Just the two of us and relax and calm ......'

Yes I was with him on this and actually I am now so calm that I don't want to bring all the angst up in my blip! Lol. And I won't.

White faced darters were my mission today, 13/4 hr drive and I just loved  the tracking and stalking scenario. They were here in the bog pools and mating too. See bonding in Extra

The morning didn't start well as on my own with the electricians  who honestly should have been here on Monday. I wanted to get away at 7:30 but actually with the crisis it was 8:45. Not a huge deal you might think but I wanted my darters stalking. It was not to be.

Walking on the peat bog I asked a lone passing stranger with bins where I should be. Not a problem but when he turned up behind me and I hadn't heard him as I was lying prostrate on  the floor getting the shots it was a bit disconcerting. Moving on ... he did  ...but later on my walk he was ahead and gesturing frantically, I couldn't hear him so streaked ( no no  not in any way in any connotation .... don't go there) let's say trotted in his direction. It was one of those moments when you think to yourself going through the paths and bogs in an isolated area - really you shouldn't be doing this. Guided though in his path he showed me why he'd been so excited  and he had no idea what was happening. Getting the macro out it was a hawker exiting his case which I've brought home.

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