Thank a Teacher Day

Apparently (well according to the Internet) it is thankateacherday where we should all thank Teachers for putting up with the massive amounts of crap they have to deal with when they are trying to teach children.
Admin, Ofsted, 'New initiatives' SATS, Gavin Williamson, all sorts of crap. They didn't sign up for this, they signed up because they want to teach. SO LET THEM TEACH! rant over.

Anyway here is my favourite teacher, you may know her as H, I have thanked her by pouring her a massive G&T.

In other news, work stuff went well. Good bike ride where I saw 4 Hares sort of fighting, playing, messing about. It was a fantastic thing to see, alas not something phone camera was going to capture.

Extra, second favourite teacher, no G&T for him though.

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