
By Marionb

Brave in War...

Brave in Peace....

Francis Pegahmagabow was a war hero, a scout and sniper in World War I, and the most decorated aboriginal soldier in Canadian history. After the war, he was elected chief of his band, was a delegate to national aboriginal assemblies and became the Supreme Chief of the National Indian Government, and in his political leadership roles, he fought for self-determination and against the restrictions placed upon First Nations by the Department of Indian Affairs. He was a protestor, ahead of his time. 

Why do I blip this statue of Francis Pegahmagabow? Because he is from a reserve on Parry Island near Parry Sound where I grew up. I went to school there along with natives from that reserve, some of whom would probably have been related to him, and at no time in a Canadian history class on World Wars or any other class for that matter, did I ever hear of this native Canadian, this war hero! At long last, there is now this statue in recognition of his achievements, fittingly placed on the shores of Georgian Bay with Parry Island in the background just across the water. It is about time! 

It boggles my mind how our education system , at least for my generation, totally ignored the plight and also the contributions of our native population. I do hope that "the times they are a changin'" ...along with the history curriculum! 

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