
Midsummer and it’s light up here from about 2am and with the sun rising at 4am, it’s hard to lie abed. I think it the most peaceful time to stravaig the highways and byways either on 2 wheels, 2 feet or both.
It may be midsummer but the temperature was a feeling 8° one, mainly due to the NW wind which had a certain chill to it. It didn’t appear to inhibit 4 doughty ladies who took to the water at the Ness this morning and not a wet suit between them. They sang their way out from the slipway, probably as a way to catch their breath. See extra.

Despite enjoying my meanderings, the highlight of the day was a meal at the Merkister Hotel on Loch Harray with IainatCreel and the current Mrs Creel. To whet our appetites, we had a wind blown walk along the cliff top at Birsay and my goodness did I need it when I saw my plate of ‘Westray Delights’ appear. I have never seen so many types of sea food on one plate- crab, prawn , lobster,herring, mackerel and salmon to name the fish I can remember. What an extravaganza of local Westray gastronomy. It was a sad reflection of my age that I couldn’t manage to add a dessert.
I only wish I had blipped the plateful, but when I remembered, everything was gone. It was certainly a meal to remember.

Instead my blip is of a cut hayfield, which is as far removed from a plate of seafood as one can imagine

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