Grand Tour of England Day 15

As forecast, it rained all night. I like listening to the patter of light rain on the van roof, but not so much hammer of the heavy stuff.

We’d resigned ourselves to the prospect of a lazy day reading our books but when the rain eased off about 11 am I persuaded Mr C to come with me for a walk. I was tantalised by the sight of the sea in the distance. (We are in East Prawle in Devon, £15 a night with electrical hook-up.)

We followed a tarred road steeply downhill in the direction of Prawle Point for a bit then saw a footpath sign which eventually took us to the shore where we joined the coastal path. (The blip). From there we headed east into the wind before taking another path which led us steeply back to the small village on a bridleway. The hedges were high with wild flowers including honeysuckle. It was only 3 miles but as the rain came on heavily just as we got back we were glad we’d not extended the walk further.

Now we are definitely going to read our books.

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