Grey River

Long walk along the river to Wateringbury and back.  The sky was grey, the river was grey ….. what has happened to ‘Flaming June’.  However, it was quite warm and sticky and we ended up rushing as we were expecting MIL and SIL/BIL for lunch.  I had prepped and delegated cooking to my OH as it was a bbq.  We did manage to sit out in the garden for a bit (MIL wrapped in a blanket despite coat and body warmer).  Interesting chat and good to catch up with BIL who is always interesting.  We did manage to stay away from COVID chat for most of the time until the new book I ordered from Amazon was delivered (on a Sunday).  It looks a very interesting if not scary read?  It’s called a State of Fear by Laura Dodsworth…. I heard her talk on my favourite podcast ‘Planet Normal’.  

Guests left around 6.00 although I later  heard they did not get home until after 9.00 due to the Dartford Bridge being closed.  I suppose that is one of the pluses of MIL living near us, she doesn’t travel far so SIL has to come south rather than us going north?

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