
It’s Sunday so we headed to church first thing in the morning. We left right after sacrament meeting as Kent needed to visually check on some things as we were now officially under a Tropical Storm Warning.

While we were out and about doing these visual checks we listened to Music & the Spoken Word on BYU Radio.

My blip is of a cormorant that thought we were getting a little too close for comfort and so left the shore for the safety of the lake waters.

We arrived home just in time to keep our FaceTime date with the grandkids. There in Utah they are on water restrictions due to extreme drought conditions and here we are getting ready for more rain than we want!

I made us lunch and then it was time to relax. I worked on beading and got two more Rivoli medallions done for the bracelet.

Not sure what to expect from this storm tonight just know we’ll get something

Take care of yourself and each other XX

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