Brave girl

3years 144days

Katie did so very well today, I was really proud of her. When I went into nursery to pick her up for her injections, they were all in their small groups. It was nice to see the room calm, and each group quietly doing their own activities. As I put her coat on her she thought about a wobble because of the doctors, but took a breathe and came for a cuddle.

She wouldn't walk to the surgery, cuddled tight into my shoulder. The main wobble was her uncertainty at taking her coat off. If she's feeling insecure or unsure about a place she keeps her coat on - "I can leave right away if I need to". But she didnt even cry for the first injection. The mmr booster upset her though, but the nurse said it hurts a lot more. However, this photo was tAken less than 5 minutes after. We took our time walking her back to nursery and had big cuddles, but she was laughing and joking and fine. She did insist on having monkey in the room with her though!

When I picked her up, Lesley said that they have amended one of their core values - it's usually "listen to our mums, dads and teachers" and Lesley said "shall we add monkey" and Katie looked at her like she was potty!

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