Fete de la Musique
A little earlier than the real date, our community had its second ever fête de la musique. Food, then music from our youth band (with the addition of a lute-playing grown up, which is the guest star of choice for every modern band, I’m sure). Before that, there was too much work for me, which resulted in TallGirl being required to make les cookies de Sue for the evening (just as good as mine, happily).
Later, Mr B scooted off to watch the famous Scottish victory at Wembley (nil all for when I forget) which - after he returned to the party with whisky to celebrate - I took stick for all evening.
Despite being absolutely wiped and ready for bed when I left my desk at 7, I rallied and didn’t leave the party until 1, when the others started doing that odd formation arms in the air dancing that is popular here. TallGirl took over the baton on talking to a drunk Mr B, so I could collapse into bed. The days are just packed!
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