Enjoying a happy family meal just before Solstice

Yes, they arrived shortly after 4 PM. It was as if they had never been so far away. Just coming over from the Northsea, bringing Mischa’s heartsfriend Jara here for the First time. It all joined into a very delicious and simple familymeal around Our Terrace Table. The weather was fine, not too hot  We had all tested negative. So there finally was room for some tender contact of togertherness.
I have already described how I had to stay practically without any normal touching contact while meeting. Rhis is what many people renders, anxious, disturbed, stressed. Especiall children. Miraculously I can handle this. But during the welcomeritual. The real cooking together with Jara – while Dolf was playing in on his guitar – I suddeny was back in our Butterfly Years in Kamerik where we frequently were busy  to improvise a common meal for our visiting friends.
It gives this big happy family feeling, which is real and of immeasurable value. Meanwhile you make a lot of mess too during the cooking. But it is all cleaned up now. It was a feast to talk with them three and feeling reconnected again..  Then Jara was brought over to her nightstay. Called the Paradise Garden Hut. And that reminds me of that one thing I have to do before falling asleep. And that is rereading those pages in the Kurt Schwittersbook Willemien had been reading before going to bed . She would not awake any more the next morning. The title of that cherished book of hers is: Die Märchen vom Paradies or the Fairytales of Paradise. Its author: Kurt Schwittert was leading in German Surrealism. Good Night. Tomorrow morning we will celebrate Summer Solstice. There is a significant and meaningfull  Synchronicity  between Willemiens sudden death and this cosmic turning point.

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