Where It All Began
Sunny but muggy when we got up this morning. There was rain in our forecast for the afternoon. The Lord instead blessed us with dry weather for our outdoor Bayne family reunion. I prepared a large bowl of slaw to take plus cookies as our donations. Cut up our roast chicken into salad for lunch. Finished the craft projects for my Indiana niece and her family so I can give it to her at her daughter’s wedding next week. Then it was time to head to my maternal grandmother’s home on the St. Jerome’s Creek. The visit was two fold. My cousin, Father Joe (Bill) Bayne, was in town to say a memorial funeral Mass for my Aunt/Godmother and her son who both passed during COVID. My mother, who has waterfront property that was part of the farm, is the only surviving sibling of five and there were cousins attending representing each family. We were also joined by life long friends, some of whom had bought property on the farm. The second part of the visit: Bill, who is a Franciscan, has been transferred from a basilica in Chicopee, MA to a novitiate in Chicago, IL and everyone wanted to personally wish him well. My cousin Barb now owns our grandparent’s farm so that was the perfect spot for this get together. We had Mass on the back lawn as shown in my photo. Then we enjoyed a feast and shared memories of our childhood. Nene and Pop’s house was the central location for us to gather as a family until they passed. It felt good to be back there. As Desmond Tutu wisely said, “You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.” Thanks for stopping by.
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