Dusting, visiting doc and having sunny walk

So I decided, that we have to clean away the dust that I found underneath our daughter's pony collection. In pic the situation pre and after. The medication that I had already started helped me to have energy to clean all the other surfaces of the home too. Fortunately hubby kindly made his share.

As I got into the doctor's appointment, he examined me and told that no signs of infection can be found. No corona marks either. I told him about the awful dust finding and he was very sure that all of my symptoms were affected by allergic and physical hypersensitivity reaction. Two medicines ordered for few days and one of them should be taken two weeks. 

Had a nice walk with hubby and our daughter in the city later in the afternoon and we had somw salad as a light dinner in the terrace of  Finlayson palace (the terrace menu is not in the english version, I see..).

+28c, sunny


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