This afternoon I visited The Mate, as I do on Thursdays. When I arrived he said "Come and look at this!" and lead me through to look out onto the garden where 2 weigelas were in full bloom.
One of them is a dark red colour but I've always admired this variegated variety with its blend of soft pinks. It had to be my blip today.
It's been a day of moving tellies around. A few weeks ago we brought a 50" one back from #1 Daughter's. I had expected to let the visitors at the lodge have the benefit of it but it just seemed overly big for that lounge and, besides which, we'd plugged it in and tried it at home and I rather liked it. So, that got put in its intended position, our 40" went to The Mate's and his 32" got put in the back of my car for our next tip run.
He never watches TV except for F1 so only used his telly as a second monitor. Once he'd checked he could get Channel 4 ready for the French GP he proceeded to get is sorted for YouTube. He was delighted how much larger the print was. That's 3 homes pleased with their upgrades!
Well, I got an update from the builders. Tomorrow we'll be getting roofers, scaffolders and a skip. I must remember to set an alarm.
Lake District Blipmeet on Tuesday.
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