New reality day 324


I have to tell you about what happened today. Not to me. I was working. And was asked to stay later to help, so I did.

When I got home my husband started to tell me about a "funny incident" that had occurred.

Our next door neighbor had rang the doorbell and my husband happened to be on a coffee break, so he answered. The neighbor was standing there with a post-it note in his hand and 400€ in cash. And asked my husband to make a bank transfer for the 400€ from his account.

(The neighbors do all sorts of missionary work in Africa and India, just for background.) 

I was in shock. I was like "You didn't!"! Oh yes he did.

I said it was most likely some sort to scammer that had gotten to him.

My husband shows me the bank transfer. It starts with "barrister". I said the scammers always are "barristers".

Then my husband started to think. And told me their daughter handles their finances. I said there must be a reason.

My husband then contacted the daughter. And few hours later got the message that indeed her father tends to fall for the scammers.

So my husband called the bank and explained the situation. And tried to stop the transfer. They told to do a report of a crime for the police (it's done online) then take a copy and send it to the bank and ask for the cancellation of the transfer. Trouble is that my husband is working until 6pm and time is ticking.

They did say thank you from the bank and said this is a possible serial criminal and it will be good to be able to stop him / them. I just wish we can also save the neighbor's money.

My husband is one of the kindest people I know. He never suspects anyone of anything. I do. If I had been at home I would have said no, this is a scam. I said that instantly. He feels terrible. Also for his sake I hope we can save the money. I think  / hope he's learned a lesson.

I always wondered who falls for these scams. Apparently my husband. He's always giving the shirt from his back.

I was supposed to go to the beach with P. But she called me later last evening and cancelled. Her car had broken down and she was waiting for a tow. Perhaps we can go next week when we are both on evening shifts.

Work was hectic. And it's gonna stay that way until midsummer festivals start next week. Until that we run. At work.

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