Really, Symon? Really?

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

This is exciting. I am writing this with Fazzi sitting RIGHT NEXT TO ME. She is literally reading this hot off the press and making comments. 

"Don't forget Symon, the day is still young," she just said. 

This scares me.

Soooo - what happened to us today?

I will tell you.

MY day started well. I was ORGANISED. I was READY. I was GOOD TO GO.

Fazzi, not so much. 

I was so EFFING STRESSED. There I was. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting in the office for Fazzi to show up so we could get to the airport for our 9:00am flight!

It takes between 15-30 minutes to drive from our office to the airport. Depending on traffic. And she ROCKED UP - CALM AS YOU PLEASE - at 8:15. 


"Come on, come on," I remember saying. Shoving her out of the exit as she tried to zip up her boots and gather her thoughts. "Bah! We have no time! No time!" 

I shuffled her speedily to the station to get a taxi. And then I sat breathless in the back of the cab as he negotiated (slowly) through TRAFFIC. 


Fazzi was sanguine. Unperplexed. Calm as a cucumber. 


I got to the airport and looked desperately at the departure board. I couldn't even SEE our flight! Had we missed it?? 

"Symon, you do know that we are BOARDING at 9am. Not actually flying, right?"

Fazzi stood blinking at me. 

(Pregnant pause)


(More pause)

(Penny dropping)


"Errr... ha ha ha... sorry about that Fazzi," I said.

So THEN we had a nice relaxing time. Or rather Fazzi did. I was too busy palpitating. 

Our flight to Hamilton was pretty uneventful. And the Hamilton site visit was great. Everyone was so nice to us. Although I am used to this by now. Kāinga Ora is just a lovely place to work and everyone is so welcoming. One lady demonstrated how she was already using Microsoft Teams. She was so proud.

"Look," she said. "I've already set up a 'Tenancy Managers' channel, an 'Office Admins' channel and 'Arbitration' channel and er oh.. er...'", she trailed off.

"Have you set up a channel called 'Tw*ts'??" asked Sam, looking at her screen.

She laughed it off. 

"I'm sure it's an acronym for something," added Sam, gallantly.

Sam, as always, was a bit of a star. And then Fazzi and me did our skit, which honestly was a bit wasted on the Hamilton crowd as they already know all about Teams. To be honest, I only do the skit for Fazlyn now she is such a diva and CRAVES the limelight. Really, she tries to overshadow my immense talent but...

Oops she just caught me writing that bit. She's pretending to laugh but I know it is just eating her up inside really.

"Not impressed," she said. And there was a total hair flick.

Never mind her.

Anyway, after that we went for lunch and then Fazzi went SHOPPING FOR CHOCOLATE.

This is significant kids. Stick a pin in that last fact.

And then it was time to go to the airport for boarding at 2:40. Sam drove at speed. He LOVES driving and is great at it. But there WAS a lot of traffic.

(Fazzi just reminded me of that last part. I really need to do this more often. Blipping as a pair is FUN!)

So we got to the airport for 2:50.


Fazzi and me thanked Sam and awaited the boarding call.

Which never came.

I went to check. The nice lady said, "Oh. That flight just left. Like. JUST. It actually hasn't taken off yet. But the engines are running."

(Pregnant pause)


(More pause)


"Oh Fa-zzzzzeeeeeee...."

So anyway. That is how I came to be sitting here with Fazzi reading my blip as I write it. We are sitting in an airport lounge, waiting for the 5.20 flight back home.

"I'll BET you were shopping for fridge magnets!" Caro texted when I told her.

I didn't mention it was actually CHOCOLATE!!

Eh Fazzi?

Would you like to add anything for my lovely blip friends...?

(Fazzi here) My side of the story: Symon was not in enough of a hurry to get back to the airport. I think he made us miss the flight so he could spend some extra hours stuck with me! :P

Oh, and I did suggest that we watch Hamilton (in Hamilton...see what I did there?) but he didn't seem too interested. 

Busted. That Fazzi knows me all too well.

S. (and F.)

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