The dropped stitch

By Bodkin

wait for meeeee

The garden is racing ahead and I am struggling to keep up:  waist-high geraniums jostled with their lower growing cousins to fill the beds and are now covering the paths too, fading bluebell and daffodil leaves are flopping over their neighbours , headstrong hostas seem determined to take up double the space they had last year.
I'm making spaces and adding the annuals as fast as I can - dozens of cosmos at the point of flowering, nasturtiums who are tangling up with each other and refuse to come out of their pots without dragging a neighbour, or two, with them. The Cerinthe plants have been attacked by greenfly and are being sprayed with soapy water daily. 

I'm not going to win this race - so I think the best thing to do is relax and enjoy the chaos. It's very lush and colourful and the bonus of the overcrowding is that the plants support each other on the windy days. Oh, and the bees love it!

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