I was feeling better this morning but now feel somewhat yuck again and that is after having had a cappuccino so wonder if somehow I now can't tolerate milky things, not that I have a lot of milk but it's all I can think of.

This morning I was feeling sort of OK so I decided to pop out in the car and head to Jenny Brown's Point as I'd never been.  I still somehow managed to miss the tower/chimney down there so I must go back to find out where it 

A very grey day but better, for me, than being too hot.  So I drove up the A590, along the A6 through Milnthorpe, past Leighton Moss and up to Wolf's Gallery where I managed to park OK, amazing.

I then just walked down the road to the very end of the road and just went onto the shore front at certain points. I'd forgotten all about the tower so I wasn't looking for it - doh!!   Now I wish I had.  Still it was a pleasant walk, saw a few people but not too many.  As it was so grey I paid more attention to the amazing shapes caused by the sands and tide, the hedgerows and farm that I passed on the way down.  There is also a derelict bungalow down there surprisingly.

I only went to the edge of the sands as I'm not sure how far out you can go an what the tide times were so I wasn't taking any chances - I'm probably way too cautious but best to be that way than take stupid risks.

After I'd been down that a little while I could feel rain so decided it was time to head back as I didn't put on a jacket (I was hot enough with the walk as it was) but had a cardi to protect the camera if need be.

Met a couple of people staying at the campsite at Gibraltar Farm who were from Preston and Forton, Lancs - so not far away but they were very friendly and good at keeping socially distanced.

When I got back to the car I went to the Wolf's Gallery cafe for a take out cappuccino and cake (lemon and blueberry drizzle) and sat at one of their picnic tables outside.

It was after the cappuccino that I began to feel a bit yuck again so instead of stopping off at Leighton Moss I headed home.  Driving through heavy drizzle - crikey, the Wolf's Gallery was just grey!!!  Heavy drizzle all along the route back to the A6, along the A6, A590 until I joined the B road heading to Grange when it just became grey again - the weather was obviously going round in a curve!!!

Anyway back home now and tummy not too good and feeling a bit yuck so not doing much more, housework will have to wait until tomorrow.

Do take care, stay safe and see you all tomorrow.  Thank you all so much for dropping by, your lovely kind comments, stars and hearts - all so very much appreciated.

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