
By JodyIng

A flowering Cordaline

I got up early this morning and took the dog for a long walk before it got too hot for her. It was lovely to walk in the sunshine as people were rising and making their first way to work.
Today I nipped to mums at lunch time to check on the house as she is away in the Isle of Wight with my aunt. All was ok I spied she had a babybel in the fridge, I don’t think she would mind me having one.
I didn’t finish work until after 7pm tonight so we had a chip shop tea. Very unhealthy but I couldn’t face cooking tonight.

Tonight I watered the garden and pottered around. The picture shows one of two Cordalines we bought a couple of years ago. This one has started to flower. It looks strange and I have never heard of this before. It will be interesting to see what it turns out like and how long it will flower for. I can’t say that it is as pretty as a traditional flower though.

Have a lovely evening all

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