Fly Trap
A productive day, offered a developer a job which he accepted, excellent news. Interviewed a project manager, didn’t think they would be able to cope with the pressure, not excellent news.
Progressed some stuff, did things, moved things along etc etc.
Mistook a massive bundle of sheets with a duvet in the middle for a massive bundle of sheets without a duvet in the middle. Silly me.
Took the tent down, washed aforementioned massive bundle of sheets, moved post ‘gathering’ stuff back upstairs.
Annoyed with the government re lockdown. I completely appreciate the science behind getting more people vaccinated, helping the NHS etc and realise that Hendstock is just a party in our garden….. However if the government had actually listened to the science then they would have shut the Indian borders earlier and it’s likely we would not be in the state we are currently in.
Luckily we have a reserve date for Hendstock, just rearranging food, bar, toilets, acts etc.
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