New reality day 321

Bad night; less than 6 hours of sleep.

Up before 6 am because my brother-in-law (who spent the night) left to work. 

We did groceries early this morning. Then took the dogs out for their walk and then my husband started to work.

I watered the plants. Did some weeding. Cut the grass. Snapped away tomato thieves. Pollinated all the tomato flowers that I saw.

Then I trimmed Buddha. And half of Nelson. The other half required my husband's help.

Then our new freezer came. The guys left it to our entry hall like they were supposed to.

Then I placed few cement tiles, but needed to stop as I had to make lunch for my husband and myself.

Then I took a nap. And woke up to my in-laws being here with some wood in the trailer for our sunroof. I think all the wood and other parts are now here. They also came with our old barbecue. I was so sleepy that I could not think. They left the trailer here for us to empty and then will pick it up tomorrow. They were on their way to my brother-in-law's new apartment to which he got the keys today. And the same van than was packed with our stuff in Spain was now packed with his stuff that had been in storage at my in-law's place, and on their way to his and Sara's new place.

After my husband got off from work, we carried the wood and then we finished trimming Nelson. Then walk with the dogs.

Now I'm washing all the trimming clothes that amazingly have some extra hairs in them. And next I'll put all the stuff from the old freezer to the new freezer. Then let the old one melt during the night so I can clean it and prepare it for my harvest time in few months.

Oh. I was asked if I could come to work on Wednesday. I just briefly replied that Sorry I can't. No one was able to or wanted to. I don't know what is going to happen now. Maybe someone from another store will come? I don't know.

And yes, one of these days I will just rest. This I promise myself.

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