Ernvall Goes

By sernvall14

All Alone

Nothing like Having the Detroit airport all to yourself! I just spent a great few days at my dad's and now I am headed back to Chicago. My flight was supposed to leave at 9:45pm but has been delayed by 15 minutes every thirty minutes since five. Not we are leaving at 11:00pm. Oh wait... Just got a text, not flight leaves at 10:30 again!

Urgh... This happened all night and so I say in the airport with the 16 other people on my flight. It was kid of weird and kind of cool all at the same time! I wandered the halls and use the restroom thinking about how funny it was so be in a big city airport with NO ONE ELSE!

The one thing that came to mind while walking was... This would a great place to play hide-and-go seek as well as sardines. Hmmmm.... How do we make that come to life? ?

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