
By OldTimer

Abstracted Scarf

No blip so whipped off my scarf and did an abstract of it
You wont believe the story I am about to tell you it is so bizarre. This morning i came out to the kitchen which follows through to the living room and lounge open plan and what a chaotic scene greeted me. The floor and furniture were covered in animal manure and black footprints everywhere and no animal in sight
Panicked and rang a friend ( a retired farmers wife ) and she came dashing round took one look and said thats an opossum. I expected it to jump out from behind a chair or something but it didn't. We discovered it had come down the chimney of the open fire hence all the black soot over everything and had escaped the same way after causing mayhem
I was pretty upset as still coping with the aftermath of the flood last week
My friend got to work and we soon had it all cleaned up and luckily the soot lifted with the lux. I was so grateful to her and another friend came down and got on the roof and put wire netting over the chimney so as it cant happen again.
It really shook me up but good end to the day they have been and taken away all the blowers that were drying the flood damage. Bliss as the noise of eight blowers was starting to get to me.
I wish I could have had a photo of an opossum to put up but google it and see for yourselves the beast that wrecked my equilibrium for the day.
Off to bed to sleep off my exhaustion

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