In asynchronus mode..

By Mobius

Beauty & the Beast

Had a notional route, but as per often walked a different adjacent route guided by the boys and my interest, a what a joy. 2.5m loop around Muskham Woods, with Enzo & Felix off the lead all the way round.

Extra is on a public footpath across a field, unsignposted and ideally would have picked the previous parallel tracks. Thank god for Komoot which I find the best route planning, navigating and recording app.

Much tree pruning on my return; satisfying but overdid it setting my spasms off and sleeping through the England vs Croatia match.

We watched the previous world cup encounter at the enormous square in Lisbon with a few thousand others including some victorious Croatian's nearby, a couple of years ago. 

Delicious new recipe for tea; Salmon coated in a stem ginger, orange juice/zest, soy, chilli and garlic sauce - easy so added to the recipe collection!

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