Summer Sunday morning
We relaxed on the piazza with coffee and the paper to start our day. Well, it started actually much earlier with Merry demanding breakfast before 5. Then up again earlier than a usual Sunday to walk through the woods to feed my brother's cats. He and my sister-in -law and nephew are in Maine at our shared family house in Machiasport for a week. We hope to go in July, but it all depends on Merry's health, which seems quite excellent now.
The rest of the day wasn't relaxing, but it has been very satisfying. We did our civic duty tidying up our Garden Club assigned traffic island at our corner. Then we tackled the vines and invasive bushes on and around our front stone wall (watching closely for poison ivy). We planted some zinnias in our patio pots, filled a herb container and T cleaned all the catkins that had dropped from the trees onto the patio. She actually had enough energy to spread some Coast of Maine Lobster and Seaweed mulch on the perennial garden. We've put away the tools, showered and will relax now adult beverages and take-out Thai food.
For the Record,
This day came in sunny and warm with a lovely breeze.
All hands enjoying the weather.
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