All around day

Early up, as I seem to wake up at 4am always, when the dog is with us. I let it go out in the garden for a pee, and then we usually have some more sleep.

This time was different though. I checked my mobile phone and noticed a message from my son. They were camping and canoeing in Repovesi national park and weather had been quite windy already, but now hard rain had been forecasted for early sunday morning. To be able to paddle the canoes in still mild weather, they had decided to leave the camp island and begin the journey to home already early morning at 3.30am. It had been still morning with light rain and thousands of moskitos. The journey had been ok though. The wind and heavy rain started just as they were safely back in canoe parking area, he told.

Despite of the early start we made some gardening in the morning, me and the Nicke dog. I also vacuumed the home. The wise dog took his toy ape outdoors and waited there as I had made the cleaning! In the afternoon I picked my children with me and we all had a long visit at grandparent's. Nice time together, sunday sauna for me and the kids and family dinner and my son told interesting camping stories from Repovesi national park.

On our way back my daughter picked Lupins into a vase.
Lovely weekend, indeed!


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