Ahh, what a little rain and sun do for the soul! It rained pretty much all afternoon and night yesterday and the snow has been battled back to an almost reasonable level. Woo hoo! Today was absolutely gorgeous, warm and sunny, and best of all, melty ;) I even had the door open for a while since it was getting pretty warm inside. I took the dogs out to the field after I finished up with work. They were both very excited about the weather changes too I think. Here's Ms. Corra getting surprised by a snowball splash in front of her (worth looking at it large). That is not a pond or anything, it is an enormous puddle in the field from all the meltage :D
Mr. Badger is having a man's night out (playing Magic, shhh), so it was just me and the dogs. I decided to make some pasta sauce since I had a whole bunch of tomatoes that were dangerously close to going bad. I roasted about 3 lbs of tomatoes with carrots, onions, garlic, scallions, thyme, and olive oil. The whole house smelled marvelous and when it was finally done, it tasted even better! Put that away for another day, as I made myself some vegetable pad thai while the veggies were roasting, yum! I really have found a happy place when cooking now, especially when using whole foods. There is something really satisfying when you made something from scratch. True soul food.
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