
I made a point of getting up early today so I could fit a run in.  It was a breezy but nice morning and I ran about four miles.  I thought I felt a few spots of rain, but thought I was imagining it.  I got home and hung out my washing, only for the rain to start.  We haven’t had rain for ages and it definitely wasn’t forecast, so was quite a surprise.  I was supposed to be meeting a friend for a walk, so we held off for a wee while, before risking  it. We met up and had a nice walk and blether, though the weather could have been much better.  We did stop at a café for a cuppa, and just like that the sun appeared.  Better late than never.  It was so nice sitting in the sun, that I was late back to collect our lunch.
It was then back to chores for me, before heading out for provisions for tea.  I cooked up some dhal and chicken curry – and it disappeared quickly.  Later TT Zoomed with his whisky chums and I had a lovely catch up (via Zoom) with a couple of friends.
The lovely Hugo walked with us today.

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