Ar lan y nant
Ar lan y nant ~ By the side of the stream
Elin Fflur - Ar Lan y Mor
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Es i i'r pentref i brynu hufen iâ (gwneud yng Nghaerdydd) o ‘Iechyd Da’, ac i gymryd un esgid i'w thrwsio yn y lle drws nesaf. Roedd y tywydd yn boeth a'r teimlad bron fel yr Eidal neu'r Ffrainc
Ar lan y nant... mae'r chwyn yn tyfu, yn wres y dydd, gyda'r sŵn o'r gêm pêl droed ar deledu'r tafarn, a thorf yn bloeddio.
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I went to the village to buy ice cream (made in Cardiff) from 'Iechyd Da', and to take one shoe to be mended at the place next door. The weather was hot and the feeling was almost like Italy or France
By the side of the stream... the weeds are growing, in the heat of the day, with the noise from the football game on the pub's television, and a crowd shouting.
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