Longing for spiritual maturity and wisdom

amazing this contrast between these high energy working days. I mean physical labor. And the quietness of this restfull Saturday afternoon. welldeserved indeed and much too short. all the more as the main maintenance of Our Paradisial Wild Garden is done. Three points left. Unwobble a terrace stone, removing weed from the driveway. And finally binding up some leaning plants.

And don’t forget to fill in all these taxreturns next week. But thats it. Well, then comes the selection of a few beautifull poems and an outline for a spontaneous speech. and some funny song. Apparently enough to do. But not tomorrow. then it will be time for meditation and spiritual reading. Burnin incense. turning deeply inward, listening to sacred music. Reading Bonhoefer. To consolate Our wounded Soul.

I feel deeply gratefull to be gifted with this beautifull  and threatening! opportunity to make a fresh start for the coming lifeepisode as a free individual. I know that for my DearestLove this possibility would scare her to death. That I would be gone, vanished suddenly. As she would panic, clearly I will do this difficult end of the way. Not as a heavy duty. But as a last chance to acquire some spiritual maturity and wisdom, called Sophia.

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