Light & sight

By CameronDP

Cold spring

It might be decidedly cold and snappy at the moment, but at least when you (or at least I) drift awake these days, it's to find a little sunshine already spilling through the window panes. It makes getting up that little bit easier. I normally hoy misen off the hay bale a little earlier than I need to and sit with a book and a cup of tea (black naturally - no cow juice for Cameron) for about three quarters of an hour. It gives my brain time to fully reactivate and me time to shake away those dreamy cobwebs.
This morning I was watching the slanting shadows of the rising sun on the driveway wall and I decided to try and catch a couple of shots. The very second my shutter opened this behelmeted gentleman streaked into momentary view, off on some impressively early morning two-wheeled adventure...

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