Latest project

After its spring clean the sewing room was ready for action. I had tidied away all the projects waiting to be completed, and I will get to them one at a time. I know exactly what they are and what's required to complete them. The new project is little lined bags for the granddaughters coming to visit in three weeks, so has taken priority especially as I would also like to make something to put inside of each too! I bought the cat fabric as a remnant, just because I saw it and loved it! Ainsley and Noelle saw it on a FaceTime call and asked what I was going to make with it. I didn't know at the time but hopefully they will love the bags. I now have it all cut out and ready to sew. A quick simple project which I hope will turn out well. 
Another long call to BT, who did at least call me back as promised. I multitasked, cleaning the bedroom during the 'holding on' time. The advantage of speaker phone! Yet another account has been set in motion, I am assured done the correct way, so that the order will be fulfilled! I did tell Tom, the very nice man on the phone, that I'm sorry if I'm a bit sceptical but this is order number 4 and the others haven't turned out so well!! A man should be calling on mum on 24th June to set everything up for the line, which is already there, and then the broadband has to be added as a separate thing for which I have to call again to set up!!!! I'm finding it all quite laughable now, unfortunately mum not so, which is understandable as she is the one without the connection. Apparently from the 24th mum will have access to Wi-fi just not her own broadband.......we'll see.
I made some soda bread which I have to say was lovely. We had it warm for lunch.
Dinner was some curry and rice rescued from the freezer as I had been busy and not in the mood for lots of veg prepping to make a meal.
Tomorrow we're out for lunch with Barry's sister and husband, Carole and Ronnie. I'm so looking forward to it on so many levels. Bring on the weekend!

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