Her face....

.... When she saw the beautiful vase of peonies that I have in the lounge which I have grown in our garden!

She was full of bits of news today. She's got a headteachers commendation. She was nominated for the Good Egg award too. She's got her costume for the end of year production. The cathedral is closed to visitors because Hugh Grant is filming there. Her headteacher has asked her to dance in assembly. She's been asked to play her bassoon in a different assembly. There's only two of them in the boarding house for most of the weekend and they're baking something that isn't cake (this is unusual). The leavers hoodies have arrived, look fabulous but they've not been given out yet. Her and her bassoon teacher have sorted her programme for her proper, formal performance.

She had been wobbly yesterday, and text to say she didn't want to talk because she would be too sad, but today she was a happy chatty girl. 

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