twinned with trumpton


Up through the night; checking glucose levels every 3 hours... great. It's fine when it's OK, but when you have to do something that you've never done before whilst half asleep, it takes on a whole new dimension of stress.....!

And so the day started; then after the 2nd check I couldn't sleep so sneaked at 0550 for a tour of the neighbourhood (12km) before coming back to find everyone up and having to once again deal with the new diabetes kit. 

I still managed to start at 7; but may have slept as part of my morning tea break...
The nurse called at midday; we had lunch before a quick wander to Lidl and an afternoon of productivity (whilst awake)

Roast chicken for them what was in before a bus jaunt to meet Her and retreive my rucksack ahead of the weekend's jaunt to the remotest Munro.
We also scored some choc cake a soon to be ex client had given Her lad and in his weakened state he was unable to do it justice. Always one to help out in a crisis, I took one for the team and gave a slice each to the lads. Now to sleep; another night of bleary eyed peering at a screen awaits me. Living the dream, eh?

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