Smith frames

A good chat this morning with company and dogs played.

Not great in the head today so quiet.

Local apiary visit put a nuc in a hive as getting busy with bees. Job 1 done. Was going to put clearing boards to take honey off but bees not playing game possibly due to the wind. Retreated and will complete tomorrow. Checked fir queen cells. No new ones.


Out to new apiary with bee pal. We looked at tge big hives. The massive one had queen cells so split into 3 using queen excluders and floors. No queen found but the behaviour of one split represented a possible. Will find out next week. The most bees I have ever sorted.

Next hive on queen cell but combs old so added drawn comb above brood box so hopefully they will use and I can recycle the old ones.

Football coaching. A fun session and a water fight requested by the u8s. I got soaked.


Made up frames for association apiary. They use small lugged Smith frames.

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