Big Bergs and Bobble Rep

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

Fazzi and Shenée continue to brighten my working days.

Both of them have spoilt me the past two days by taking me out (separately) and buying me coffee and snacks and telling me about themselves.

The food part is nice of course, but I don't really care. The other part, learning about them, is the best. It's the trust. It's like having a wild bird trust you enough to land on your outstretched hand.

Making one close friend is wonderful enough. Making two at the same time is effing miraculous.

Fazzi told me a little more about her past yesterday. She filled in some details that explained how she came to be this strong, resilient, independent woman I know. She is pretty amazing, and amazingly complex.

Today, Shenée told me of some of her darker thoughts which surprised me a little. She is so twinkly and sparkly. She just shines. It shouldn't surprise me, yet does, that she is as insecure as the rest of us sometimes.

I think I have been "glamoured" a little bit by Shenée. I see her as this bulletproof bundle of confidence. I kind of knew it was just a projection, but a blummen convincing one.

It is hard to see past it, but that is more due to my lack of imagination than to any lack of candour on her part.

"You've only seen the tip of the iceberg," she responded. "The biggest bits of the berg are all underneath."

I decided to thank Shenée with a duck (te reo name "whio")  key ring. Which she immediately buried into her neck.


She liked it, I think.

Then I felt guilty because Fazzi didn't get one. So I bought her a blue penguin key ring. And a kea key ring for Ellie. Who was not there so Briar got it instead.

You would think this would make them happy. Instead I got pelters for "slutting" myself with native wildlife key rings.

Despite this abuse I helped Fazzi retrieve a parcel wrapped in bubble wrap from the mail room.

She was so excited. She LOVES bubble wrap and popped happily all the way back to her desk.

"It sounds much more fun in a South African accent," I told her.

"What? Bobble rep?" she asked.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I said by way of reply.

Honestly, this pair make my day. Every day.


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