Wild Thing

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

She may LOOK adorable, but kitty has claws. 

We think the problem with Dr. Girlfriend is that she is still learning How To Cat. It has taken her ages to realise that she likes us. Then further ages figuring out how to play. 

For the longest time she would just sit at a distance, all sad, watching Dave go NUTS with Birdy On A Stick. 

"That looks like fun," she seemed to be saying.

We persevered with her. We did gentle play, just dragging Birdy On A Stick along the floor. And she would pat at it, gently, then run away. 

But all of a sudden, she became PLAY CAT. Now it is the main reason she comes to visit us. She slinks in of an evening, and tiddles straight over to Birdy On A Stick, waiting for one of us to pick it up so she can go BONKERS running up and down the cat tree to catch it as it WHIRLS overhead.

She's the same with affection. Clearly, she craves it but she doesn't quite get it. She loves strokes and purrs happily when we touch her, but hasn't figured out that she can get them by coming to us. 

Here you see her in mid-breakthrough. She was sitting next to Caro, purring and whirling happily. Caro was trying to encourage Dr. Girlfriend onto her lap but that was when kitty's brain short-circuited and she flipped into Birdy On A Stick mode. 

"Ow!" said Caro as FLASHING CLAWS OF DEATH snagged at her hand. 

We will get there eventually. But There Will Be Blood.


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