The sea is rising and so are we

There was demonstration on the surf line this afternoon. We arrived as it was finishing but were still aware that it was an issue that none of us can afford to walk away from. The maps showing the new levels of the high tide by 2050 clearly show that most of what makes Portobello special will be under water if nothing is done about it now.

On our walk to the beach we went via the Christian Path were the late spring growth spurt has finally happened. It was a riot of buttercups, dandelions, cow parsley and dog roses. When we reached appropriately named, Rosefield Park, the roses there were boundless and intoxicating in the warm afternoon sun.

We noted the low levels of water in the Figgate burn. Himalayan balsam was firmly established on the burn’s bank - an unwelcome invasion. We also saw hosepipes being used freely on gardens and wondered how wise or necessary such activities really are. Water butts and watering cans are much more appropriate and equally effective.

I took a photo of the light night sky at 2300 last night and another at 0440 this morning. It was one of those midsummer nights when it really does not get dark at all!

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