
A springy looking day, but a wintery feeling one!
While I was out having a merry old time on the beach, one of the cats was at home having a merry old time making diarrhoea dollops on the kitchen floor. I came home and did not notice this, I then stood in said poo and did not notice that either. I then trampled pooey foot prints all through the house. Again I didn't notice. I was sitting on the floor eating my lunch and was vaguely aware of a pooey smell, I thought my bread roll just had a strangely poo like aroma. After I finished eating I got up to take my plate into the kitchen and that's when I noticed the poo prints. Lovely. I had been sitting cross legged and had also managed to get poo on the inside of my leg.
So, a lovely morning on the beach followed by a not so lovely afternoon knee deep in cat poo.
Free cat if anyone wants one!

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