Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


 This is so creepy I have to tell this story. 

Usually I stay close to my cave and come upstairs before dinner.  Today I was actually a bit hungry so came up around noon looking for something to eat. That’s when I notice that the silver tray and tea set that usually sits on this red dog sculpture in the dining room is missing!   What?  H has  no clue.  One of my sons says.... you’ve got videos...start looking. Hark.  We do have a security video camera on the front door and the stairs up.   But I’ve not gone out anywhere.   The doors are always locked.  Surely I would have noticed this was gone when I sat 6 ft away at the dinner table ( facing a different direction) !    So I start going thru the videos on my phone and 3 days ago on Thursday afternoon, there is a strange body!    Thursday at 1:00 my friend S came to visit and we were sitting outside on the side patio , 30 ft. from the front door..   yakking away.   At 1:30 H goes out for a walk and tells me he’s left the front door unlocked so I can get in ...something we do all the time.   On the video, at 1:46 this very large man with a green bandana mask carefully comes in the door, goes up the stairs, comes back down the stairs with this large white lumpy bag, turns into my studio/room ( computer, camera, purse all there) , comes out, goes into H’s room by the front door and comes out with a yellow box with his stabilizing binoculars, carefully opens the door and leaves.  1:52.   It’s been 6 minutes.   There are lots of people walking about on the front sidewalk.  S and I come in at 2:10 and she leaves. 
I actually remember seeing this person with the green bandana walking on the sidewalk...maybe even twice, but no large white bag. 
That’s 3 days ago!
The police were very interested and we can document the insured silver. My moms initials are on the tea pots.  Grandson Oskar says he definitely has on Jordan 3 shoes. ( I trust Oskar totally with this sort of info) 
We’ll see what the insurance co and the police can offer.... I’m sure it’s melted down not put on craigs list. 
A friend came over with cookies just when we were discovering this..... great drama. 
In the meantime, we will never leave a door unlocked.   Clearly it was watched and he knew where we were.      Too creepy!   
This weird pix is a blown up screen shot from the video that I had to take a picture of to make it into a jpg.  ( have to figure out how to get the frames from the video on the phone app  to be a jpg.) .  Spooky tho?
Will try to put an old pix of the loot in extra with Fiona.   The kids all played a lot with this tea set... I just know my mom was happy with that and the few dents that happened.....

No cleaning out happened today. 

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