
By dunkyc

The Rookie

I had some much appreciated and completely unexpected bonus time with the children today.

On finally giving in to the fact that the house SHOULD be cleaned every few months, I discovered that I still had their water bottles which they would need for school tomorrow, so with EW2 saying they were at the cricket club as M’boy had been requested for the under-9s!! She was fine with me coming along too, so I immediately abandoned whatever cleaning apparatus I was clutching at the time and made my way up to the club.

Whilst the final result didn’t go the way m’boy would have liked (they lost by two measly runs), it was great to see him out there and – of course I’m biased – he did genuinely seem to be one of the stronger players, whilst not taking any wickets, he definitely put a few runs on the board!

The Youngest and I had a bit of time to bat, bowl and catch too and again, I was impressed with her batting prowess.

Sadly, it wasn’t a test match and it was over fairly quickly, which meant a return to the overdue chores and ensuring that my home is no longer identified as ground zero for a new Cumbrian/Essex hybrid strain of Covid – I think we’ve all had quite enough of that. At least I was able to do it with a spring in my step. 

Later in the day, I even found time to watch and fall asleep to The Force Awakens as well as sit in the yard and once more pick up The Murder of Roger Ackroyd – Aggy knows how to get the reader to turn a page, I’ll give her that!!

I’ve had a few comments about the fact that the second jab I received (Pfizer) was different from the first (Astra Zeneca). Apparently, this is quite normal and is just as effective as having two doses of the same thing. All I know is that my arm has been aching a lot more with this second one, I’ve had a banging headache and I’m tired. 

Let’s be honest though, a little discomfort is preferable to the alternative.

It is turning into a beautiful evening, so time for a leisurely stroll before unceremoniously crashing out. I hope you’ve had a great weekend!

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