Leaving do

The plan was I would go to Norfolk, get there mid afternoon, Jo and I would have a nostalgic walk around the town in the sunshine and then go to sit on the sunny pub terrace with a gang of (now ex) colleagues. We haven’t physically seen each other for well over a year, it was going to be idyllic.

What actually happened was constant pissing rain for the entire day and a world beating 6 hour drive for me, getting to the pub, somewhat deranged, just before six. The pub had very kindly organised us a big corner inside, gave us a lecture on social distancing then even more kindly left us to it. And it was a very fabulous evening, they had bought me some brilliant and thoughtful presents and written lovely words on cards. Apparently I still get to go to the Christmas party which is excellent news but I will need to revert to my traditional very early morning journey time to go back. These are the hard core, end of evening, didn’t need to get lifts home stragglers. Rubbish day, top evening.

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