twinned with trumpton


Pre work 10km; then rattled out the OT.

Up to school for Alex (gaining another 10km in the process) and Tom deigned to join us for lunch. 

An afternoon of making chilli, getting supplies from Go Ootdoors ahead of next week's adventure (tune in next weekend for updates from the NW Highlands) and booking Saturday lunch at Porto & Fi for the imminet arrival of the folks to view the grandsons.

Craigie next up; interesting to see some of my P6 squad showing up at Craigie in the absence of school fitba. With 90 minutes at my disposal, I took the bike off to S Queensferrry just for the lols miles. 50km racked up, I retrieved Alex and served up the chilli.

A day intersperesed with updates from up the road; still only one positive test in the house; but either way, they're still house bound.... cue grumbles of discontent.

Today's story of hope. Coming back from booking Porto & Fi, I spied a van driver on his phone on the approach to Granton Square; then again as he passed Waugh's and as I made my way down W Harbour Rd, there were temporary traffic lights and guess what - as I caught up, he was still on his phone. I asked if he thought he should be driving whilst on the phone; he then put the phone down on his lap and denied it. I said do you think your employer (just along the road) would approve of your driving whilst using a phone? The lights changed and he sped off to his depot, fully expecting me to follow him along. I didn't....

But 3 hours later as I was on my way back to collect Alex, guess who I saw again...? So I stopped and apologised for confronting him. He put his hands up and told me he'd gone to his employer and tried to preempt my arrival. So he said he'd not previously been aware that driving with a phone in your hand was against the law! But his employer had put him straight, and he apologised for doing so. Whilst its concerning that someone who drives doesn't know the law, that he was adult enough to (finally) admit his error, it was a satisfying end to the story. It does worry me though - the rise of phone use by drivers. It's another symptom of people doing what they want because police aren't enforcing the law. Is  it too much to ask that people just do as they're supposed to...? 

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