jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Toasty fascination

So I don't pay a great deal of attention to the news or weather forecasts - this morning's snow was a surprise! Seems it was a surprise (somehow) to a lot of people, the council included. Nobody has seen any gritters out at all. Friends have been out sledging on the roads, and helping push cars to safety.

Snow aside, today has been marked by the Bear being sick. Started around 3am. He spent the day sleeping, nursing, and puking. Apart from perking up briefly when Bean got home from preschool. Until he was sick again. Hoping it's a 24hr thing, so he should be alright tomorrow...

The Bean has been on fine form today, asking lots of questions about life and death (thankyou Ice Age) and being almost unbearably noisy flying his planes and crashing his rescue cars.

Steve got home from the post office and declared it was a good evening to light the fire.

The boys loved it :)

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