Dribs and Drabs of 2014

By RodgerEvans01

Temporal Distance

Missymoo's challenge for today is distance. Wolfville (town that houses Acadia University) has a cemetery in the middle of town that dates back a few hundred years. When I was checking out the Witch Hazels yesterday I thought it would be a good spot to come back to in the early morning.

Tangent time - Our photo club has been asked to display prints at the local theatre as part of a production of "Wait Until Dark." A bit of a dark thriller. I volunteered to organize the event, and as such thought the theme should be "dark" (B&W, low key, black background, eerie lighting, etc...). What's better than a graveyard for creepy???

So, I started to edit and was very disappointed. I though I could chase the "yet to be photographed" fur child around the house for today's blip, but I'm tired. So I "massaged" the image with several layer manipulations and finally topped it off with CS6's "Oil Paint" Filter. I think I like it.

I also think it fits the distance challenge as I hope that such a resting place is in my very distant future....

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