
I collected Daughter Number 2 to take her up to see Daughter Number 1. I had a quick look round her renovation work and reintroduced Bella to DN2's cat. They havnt seen each other for over a year. They seemed to remember each other and had a little nose bump session which was so sweet.

I inspected their newly decorated nursery in the paper I gave DN2 as part of her birthday present. It looks amazing.

We then headed up to Wokingham to see DN1 and my Baby Matty, now 2 and a bit weeks. Hes looking as scrummy as ever but being a little pickle on the boob!! He quite likes it - typical boy!!!!

We headed out for a walk which took a long time to start off as DN1 needed to feed and change him as soon as we arrived at Dinton Pastures!!! Matty started off really well, alert and happy in his carry cot but started to cry half way round. We stopped at 3 different benches for a feed but he was just comfort feeding so Grannie stepped in and carried him for a bit. He gazed lovingly at me as he fell asleep in my arms!!!!

The 45 minute walk took us 3 hours with an episode of dog falling in water as she thought all the fluffy catkins on the surface of the water was solid ground!!!!! DN2 managed to wash her off in a cleaner part of the lake!!!

The time was precious. Time with my grandson, new proud mother and pregnant daughter. Bella was well behaved and I got to cuddle Matty and cast my magic spell over him. We fed the baby foul and enjoyed the warmth of the sun.

Days like this is what I was made for!

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