Help Is Coming....

We had a quiet day - and when I say quiet, I mean we didn't go anywhere.
It was actually anything but quiet. Especially when you have a complete lunatic doing bird impressions at the top of her voice and the other one roaring with laughter - or just roaring because she isn't happy with something (which is almost everything) 

I should probably have taken a shot of No1 turning puce as he sucked on a length of hosepipe to get a syphon working to drain the pool.
I laughed, he didn't, but the pool did drain.

After all the fun in the sun and the barbeque we were relaxing before putting the girls to bed when there was a helicopter flew over very low and sounded like it was over the field at the bottom of the street.
We all rushed out (along with half of the street and saw it was the air ambulance coming in to land.
From the fairly relaxed approach the crew was taking (after the first one out ran out of sight and reappeared a very short time later), I knew that it was most likely a fall and it certainly wasn't anything major, but I didn't bother correcting the know-it-all who was spouting forth about how they only came to major trauma and it was obviously somebody was seriously injured and likely to die (as most of their patients do apparently). 
The only fly in the ointment was the 'land' ambulance couldn't find the location and we saw it going up and down the street in the background.
It must have found it eventually though because the only thing the helicopter left with was a flourish and a sky full of grass cuttings as it backed towards us. (The pilot must have heard to mouthpiece and all his verbal diarrhoea).

Pippin - the black lipped cat has spent the whole time trying to avoid me getting a shot of his black lips (and they are really black). This is the best I could get.

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