A common question

These are one of the presents of flowers received at the weekend. They are bulbs in a pot so will last for ages.

The question asked when you have a significant anniversary is ‘how did you meet’? 

Our parents lived next door to one another at that time,  but B and I hadn’t met. I was in Worcester nursing and B was with the RAF at Halton, then in Singapore. I shared a house with two colleagues and we used to have parties, not frequently but lively ones when we had them, our neighbours were office premises so empty at night.

B had recently returned from Singapore and was home on leave for Christmas. His mum was sharing the news with my mum and concerned that it was going to be a bit boring for him. My mum the generous lady that she was said ‘Rona and her friends are having a party, and she will be collecting the sausage rolls, I sure she will be happy to collect him as well’.  My mum always made about 3 dozen sausage rolls to make sure we were well fed.
B was waiting to take his driving test and buy a car, so the agreement was, that I would collect him, but he would have to stay over as I would be having a drink and was working the next day, so no lift home. There was a spare room and settees and big chairs, so people use to crash down wherever there was space. 

When we got to the house I ‘parked’ him with a group of the girls to chat, whilst I went to change and get ready for the evening. He was ‘interesting’, very quiet, but with plenty of history!!!  He got to know the gang and me!!! 18 months later we were married. 
It was a standing joke that , if you wanted a good looking bloke, send Rona home to collect the sausage rolls and she might find you one!!!! 

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