
Haar so drove to the pool as I had to be back by 8.15.

Another ridiculously busy day. At one point I was working on one laptop, attending a Conference on another and answering a call about the Manor on the phone.

Once the sun came out I decided to take the afternoon off and work this evening. Did a bit of gardening, mainly hauling out Michaelmas daisies and propping up peas. The slugs seems to have got all the sun flowers. Sad.

I also read the Nevil Shute G had loaned me and answered a few College emails.

The work 2 doors down goes on into the afternoon. My guys leave at 2. Progress is slow.

Worked in the evening. The multitasking is getting to me. I'm holding out for 18 June as after that life gets easier, fingers crossed.

F2F - 6
Phone calls - 1
Virtual - 2

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